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Showing posts from December, 2018
2019 I EMBRACE YOU I used to dislike New Year, but now I just think how lucky I am to be welcoming in a new one. My dodgy looking glass contains homemade pomegranate kefir, which is my new favourite tipple. I'm making up for my over indulgent festive period and have to say, it's quite addictive! No resolutions for me, as I'm so useless at keeping them.  However, I will try to work off some of the poundage that I seem to have did that happen then? Probably all the laziness betwixt Christmas and New Year, which we thoroughly embraced.  Lolling around on sofas with the dogs, watching films, doing puzzles, snacking instead of eating proper meals.  We did take the doggies out every day for a good long walk, but that was about it. The decorations are still up, as our custom is to take them down the first weekend after New Year, just to stretch the holiday that little bit further. Well, we  may still be up at midnight, to welcome in the New...
IT WAS PERFECT! The perfect Christmas and birthday. My birthday celebrations on Christmas Eve were full of laughter and fun, with all my favourite and most loved peeps being present, plus my niece's boyfriend that we hadn't met before. I laughed so much, I had face ache the next day. My girl and her man were here for both days, leaving Christmas at noon, after presents and an epic breakfast cooked by Mr.  They, like us, will be celebrating Christmas on Boxing Day this year with his girls and Mum and Dad. I hope that your Christmas, if you celebrated, gave you as much joy xx
IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR Trying to summon up the Christmas spirit here.  I normally love this time of year, but I just can't muster any enthusiasm at the moment. I broke out the Christmas mugs and indulged in a frothy, cream topped latte...nothing. Mr put up some decorations and lit our little 'ting, ting', as I call it, to try and trigger my Christmas spirit. He put up one of the indoor Christmas trees, which I decorated, whilst sipping a snowball, which did raise the spirits somewhat. I just feel like my brain is in a fug and have for a couple of weeks now.  I even struggled when I met up with my girlfriends a couple of days ago last week, finding it hard to contribute to the conversation.  I'm putting it down to the time of year, but I've also not been looking after myself properly, I know that.  Back to the healthy, more probiotic diet I think, just till Christmas proper arrives and I have plenty of it in the house.  When I was eating p...