We planned to go to Ikea on Friday, but then I discovered this
little fellow in the garden. I went out to the dustbin and Elsie followed me, saw it and decided it was lunchtime. I bellowed at her, which stopped
her in her tracks and I was able to haul her inside. This poor little bird
looked so bedraggled and I wasn’t sure if it was a fledgling or not. It flew
low over the gravel, so it’s wings were ok.
I spent the day checking on the bird
and having to take the dogs into the garden on leads for toilet breaks. Of course Pearl saw it
straight away on her toilet break and after that haunted me, her eyes boring
into me ‘Please let me into the garden Mum, I won’t hurt it, honest’.
I checked the garden
mid-afternoon, no bird to be found. I assumed
it had managed to fly off, so we went to Ikea as planned. Man had his meatball
fix and we bought two bags back for the freezer plus other much needed items. M
informed me the next day that Elsie had a go at a bird in the garden but she’d
managed to call her off and the bird got away. She checked the garden to make
sure, no bird. I was relieved to be honest, after watching over it for a
day. Then Man informed me that he’d
found it dead at the top of the garden. It looked untouched and he put its body
in the field for the wildlife to deal with. I was quite upset about it,
which I know is stupid. Must be the hormones.
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