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Well, what an eventful Easter I had! Nah, not quite, as sadly on Good Friday I became incapacitated by a trapped nerve in my spine.  I'm now only on diazepam, which is a muscle relaxant, as the opiods really made me feel high and nauseous so I stopped taking them a few days ago.  I'd rather put up with the pain to be honest. The doctor said I had to sit on a straight backed dining chair for at least a comfy sofas for me butI have a straight backed rocking chair which is perfect as I can rock my way out of it.... rock on!

As you can see, I have a nice comfy cushion for the small of my back, which I put together.  Remember this crochet circle?  I'd found another completed one in my craft cupboard, totally forgotten about and the cushion pad that I'd bought aeons ago. I had in mind matching cushions with different floral backings, but just crocheting the circles together was something I could do at the moment.  Mr, bless him,  fished them out of my craft cupboard, together with a few other things to keep me occupied.  It's nice that another WIP is ticked off my list.

I can see all the flaws with this cushion, due to the colour changes. On the up side, I'm still very pleased with my dining chairs makeover. I may do a post on how I did it if I can find enough pics.

Knitting proved a little difficult as being spaced out made me lose concentration. I ended up purling when I should have been knitting and vice versa, but only realised after I'd done a number of frustrating.   Crochet is just so rhythmic, especially something like granny square work which you can lose yourself in for a hour or so, having a good, slightly out there daydream or two ....the best kind.

I also read this brilliant book about the unlikely contributors to the success of the D Day landings, namely a strange array of double and triple agents (and many that didn't even exist)  who flooded German intelligence with fake information.  You would imagine a book of this kind could be a bit on the dry side, but Ben Macintyre's writing style and the antics that took place, made this a thoroughly enjoyable read.  If espionage interests you, this is a must.

The Commonwealth Games has also been a life saver as daytime tv is dire.  I was never that interested in sport years ago, but after the Olympic Games 2012, I became a fan.

Looking at all those fit young things made me realise that all this inactivity let's the pounds pile on and to that end, I started to cut out carbs.  I can actually potter about a bit now and Mr leaves everything I need within reach (I can't bend down) and I've been making fresh fruit and veg smoothies in the morning.

That looks disgusting, but was a lovely green colour, kiwi, kale and apple blitzed with fresh apple juice, so refreshing and quite filling.

One of my favourites, Greek salad for lunch.

Mr. thoroughly cleaned the end of our litter picker in order that I could use it to retrieve dropped items, mainly balls of wool.  It terrified Elsie for some reason and every time I went to use it,  she'd  bolt off and hide.   Well, over the week, I've been administering treats with it and as she's a food led pooch it worked!  At first she'd snatch the treat and run off, but now she doesn't mind at all and takes it quite gently.

I'm quite excited as I'm taking my first trip out of the house in a week this afternoon. A little potter around a garden centre might be nice, accompanied by tea and a naughty slice of cake...well I'm more mobile now, so it's allowed, isn't it?


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