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Our girl popped down on Sunday for a short visit, which always makes us extremely happy. She tries to get down every month or so to see us and her friends.  They took her out for a meal, which was a nice surprise, as a thank you for the artwork she'd applied to their various body parts.

Quite a few people saw her artwork online and asked if she could design tattoos for them. This made her think that maybe she should train to do it herself.  In September last year, she took a course in London to train formerly and get the proper paperwork and has had a steady flow of people wanting her to work on them ever since.  As an artist, she's found her niche and loves it, plus it fits around all the other things she does.

She loves doing line and dot work, but one of the first pieces someone asked her to design was a rose and this was her very first attempt on skin.

As someone who's never been a fan of tattoos and always swore I would never, EVER get one, I can't believe I'm going for it.  This is only because she will design and apply it, which will make it special. I've agreed to have a small, discreet one done, but it  won't be until she can 'fit me in', so hopefully not for a wee while and I can always chicken out. She did promise to use some numbing cream!

The girl also made Mr. very happy indeed by giving him his Father's Day present early, as she may not make it down on the day.  Jack Ratt Lugger spiced rum, named after the notorious local Lyme Bay smuggler Jack Rattenbury and oh my, it's absolutely divine and I'm not that partial to rum.  You know the aroma you get at Christmas when you soak your dried fruit for the Christmas pudding in rum, vanilla,  orange juice and spices....that's the smell. I can't stop opening it and inhaling.

As this is one from the very first batches produced, I did suggest that perhaps it would be worth keeping.....hahaha.  That fell on deaf ears - you can see he's already had a few pre-Dad's Day snifters!


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